Shawn Casselberry

Shawn is a writer, poet, singer-songwriter, triathlete, and world traveller who lives in the Chicagoland area with his creative partner Jen and their dog TJ. He's an author and contributing author for over 15 books and his writings have been featured on Illinois Public Radio, "the 21st", the National Catholic Reporter, Sojourners, Outreach Magazine, Things Unseen podcast, Horror Tree, and WPNA-AM Chicago. He's the co-founder/editor of Story Sanctum (storysanctum.org), an online shrine for sacred storytelling where readers and writers can unite around what makes us human. He’s also the co-owner of Casselberry Creative Design, a content and design company to help aspiring authors move from ideas to published manuscript. His most recent writing projects include a sci-fi novel called the Hemingway Bible (2024), Tales from the Vault: A Story Sanctum Anthology (2024 & 2023), a short story compilation Strange Fire (2022), and two poetry chapbooks: Wound Man (2025) and Prophets of Dust (2021).